
連絡先 PI Kazuhiko Miura,
Ryo Ashikawa,
Takahito Inaba,

(1) Personnel
Kazuhiko Miura (SUT): Principle Investigator
Ryo Ashikawa (SUT)
Takahito Inaba (SUT)

(2) Objectives
Process study
Residence time : radon + thron measurements
Mixed particles : impactor + SEM/EDX analysis
Entire size distribution : SMPS + OPC measurements
              Humidity dependence
Vertical profile in the boundary layer (Kytoon observation on R/V)
Simultaneous sampling on surface and by kytoon system
Comparison of profile between OPC sonde and Lidar system

(3) Methods
- Sampling Tower
80 f x 3 m, main flow rate : 80 l/min, manifold with 5 inlets
- Continuous measurement of size distribution
scanning mobility particle sizer : 3936N25 (3085 + 2025A), TSI Inc. (44 optical particle counters : KC18 and KC01, Rion Co. Ltd.
(d>100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 nm)
- Continuous measurement of radon daughter concentration
radon daughter monitor : ES-7269, JREC Co. Ltd.
- Measurement of particle concentration profile with kytoon system
kytoon : 10 m3 in volume
optical particle counter (d>300, 500, 700, 1000, 2000, 5000 nm) : KR12, Rion Co. Ltd.
- Measurement of particle concentration at various place
optical particle counter (d>300, 500, 700, 1000, 2000, 5000 nm) : KR12, Rion Co. Ltd.
place : for-mast, radar mast, inlet of sampling tower
- Observation of solar radiation
portable sunphotometer (l: 368, 500, 675, 778, and 862 nm) : MS-120(S), Eko Co.
- Sampling of aerosols
cascade impactor : Model I-1L, PIXE Int. Corp.
carbon-covered nitrocellulose film supported on an electron microscopic grid
analysis : an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer : Horiba Co., EMAX2200
 係留作業写真 係留終了(2000)


ACE-Asiaについて MR01K2ACE-Asia
作業内容 マスト作業2001
作業内容 係留作業2001