Nobuo Sugimoto 杉本 伸夫

Nobuo Sugimoto was born in Okayama, Japan in 1954. He received his BE and ME from Osaka University in 1976 and 1978, respectively. He received D.Sci. degree in laser spectroscopy from the University of Tokyo in 1985. Since he joined the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) in 1979, he has conducted numerous research projects concerning active remote sensing of the atmosphere. He conducted the Retroreflector in Space (RIS) experiment in the ADEOS program (1996) (the first earth-satellite-earth laser long-path absorption experiment for measuring atmospheric trace species). Also, he led the data uitilization study for the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's (JAXA, former NASDA) Experimental Lidar In Space Equipment (ELISE). After the ELISE program was unfortunately canceled due to the reschedule after the launch failure of H2 rocket, he served as a member of the ESA-JAXA Joint Mission Advisory Group for the Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE). He also organized an international observation network in East Asia with ground-based lidars (AD-Net), for studying effects of Asian dust and anthropogenic aerosols on climate and the environment, and for satellite validation. He served as a member of the International Committee on Laser Atmospheric Studies (ICLAS) from 2004 to 2010. He currently serves as a member of the Aerosol Scientific Advisory Group of World Meteorological Organization - Global Atmosphere Watch Program. He retiered from NIES and is now a visiting researcher at NIES and a visiting professor at ISEE, Nagoya University.

岡山県岡山市出身。岡山操山高校卒。大阪大学基礎工学部物性物理工学科卒、同大学院修士終了。 1979年に国立環境研究所(当時国立公害研)に入所。 1985年にNO2のレーザー分光の研究で理学博士(東京大学)を取得。 国立環境研に入所、ライダー(レーザーレーダー)やレーザー長光路吸収法などの大気の遠隔計測手法の研究を行った。1996年に打ち上げられたADEOS衛星(「みどり」)搭載レトロリフレクターRISによる地上衛星間レーザー長光路吸収実験の研究代表や、衛星搭載ライダー(ELISE)のためのデータ利用手法研究の課題代表をつとめた。その後、地上ライダーや研究船搭載ライダーによる観測研究に取り組み、地上ライダーでは、東アジア(日、中、韓、モンゴル、タイ)の約20地点から構成される観測ネットワーク(AD-Net)の構築を主導し、AD-Netによる黄砂や大気汚染エアロゾルの観測研究を推進た。AD-NetはWMO GAWの協賛観測網となっている。2014年3月に国立環境研を定年退職。2019年3月まで国立環境研フェロー、現在は、国立環境研究所客員研究員および名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所客員教授。

E-mail: nsugimot(at)

NIES Lidar Home Page
Retroreflector In Space Home Page (地上衛星間レーザー長光路吸収実験)
折り紙レトロリフレクター (多面体の話)