Data products

Figures (PNG & PostScript):Monthly THIs of attenuated backscatter coefficient (532nm, 1064nm), volume depolarization ratio (532nm), dust extinctio coefficient (532nm) with cloud/rain flags, spherical particle extinction coefficient (532nm) with cloud/rain flags.

NetCDF files:Similar contents with figures, but independent files are daily basis.

Please contact Nobuo Sugimoto (nsugimot(at) or Atsushi Shimizu (shimizua(at) for the use of the data.

File name and contents of the NetCDF files

PPP:3 letter code
YYMMDD:date in UTC

TIME: UTC Start time (sec from 00Z) # every 15 min, 96 prof./day
HEIGHTA: altitude from ground (km) for attenuated backscatter and volume depol. #up to 18km
HEIGHTE: altitude from ground (km) for extinction data #up to 9 km

ABSC532(T*HA): 532 nm attenuated backscatter coefficient (/m/sr)
ABSC1064(T*HA): 1064 nm (/m/sr)
DEP532(T*HA): 532 nm volume depolarization ratio #S/P
EXT532(T*HE): 532 nm aerosol extinction coefficient (/m)
EXTD532(T*HE): 532 nm dust extinction coefficient (/m)
EXTS532(T*HE): 532 nm spherical particle extinction coefficient (/m)
ADEP532(T*HE): 532 nm aerosol depolarization ratio
MXLHT(T): estimated mixing layer height (m)

Global attribute:
locatoin: station name (city, country)
latitude: latitude (degree)
longitude: longitude(degree)
altitude: station altitude above mean sea level: (m)
date: date of observation in UTC
lidar ratio(sr): S1
molecular backscatter(per msr):532 nm molecular (Rayleigh) backscatter coefficient (/m/sr), derived from CIRA86
#following are mainly for records in NIES
analysis time: UNIX time of the analysis
dep ratio: ratio of sensitivity of detectors for perp/para
ir vis raito: ratio of sensitivity of detectors for 1064/532
int abc ratio: ratio of abc532 to intensity
now: last day of analysis period
number_of_days: days utilized for statistical analysis